Rosa Covington Packard

We were saddened to learn that fellow peace tax activist Rosa Packard passed away on February 22, 2016, after a long illness.
A longtime resident of Greenwich, Connecticut, Rosa was born in New York City in 1935 and grew up in Princeton, New Jersey. A 1956 graduate of Vassar College, she received her Montessori diploma in 1963, and she worked for many years . . . More.
Roy Prockter

Conscience and Peace Tax International was shocked and deeply saddened to learn of the sudden death, on 18 June 2014, of Roy Prockter, who recently served as the CPTI Treasurer and Secretary. The peace tax movement has lost one of its most energetic and determined exponents. His passing occurred just after CPTI had moved to London, not in small part due to Roy's willingness to engage himself even more in our struggle . . . More.
Christa Voigt

Christa learnt to hate war when, during WWII and the ten years that followed, she had to grow up without a father. Thus, she was deeply involved right from the start when, with her energetic support, conversations among like-minded people around living room tables developed into the Peace Tax Initiative (from 2003 Network Peace Tax).
In the early 1980s, Christa and Klaus Martin . . . More
Dirk Panhuis

We heard with deep regret that Dirk Panhuis, our erstwhile Secretary of CPTI, has died after a long illness on 16 February 2015. Dirk was the key person who held CPTI together since its inception, ably supported in many ways by his wife Emilia.
Since the foundation of CPTI in Hondarribia, Spain, on 17 September 1994, Dirk has been the engine driving CPTI. More in English. Texto en español.
Pedro Otaduy Ibañez

Pedro Otaduy Ibañez, Chairperson of CPTI, passed away at the age of 53 on 8 January 2012, after a struggle with a serious illness. He is survived by his wife Marisol and their two children.
Pedro organised the Fifth International Conference on War Tax Resistance and Peace Tax Campaigns in Hondarribia, Spain, in September 1994, with his friends of the Spanish movement against military taxation. More in English. Texto en español.