- AA-MOC = Alternativa Antimilitarista Movimiento de Objeción de Conciencia
- ABC = Atomic, Biological, Chemical
- ACOOC = Acción Colectiva de Objetores y Objetoras de Conciencia
- AD = Anno Domini
- AEDIDH = Spanish Society for the Advancement of Human Rights Law
- AFSC = American Friends Service Committee
- AGM = Annual General Meeting
- AIDS = Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
- AJT = Allgemeines Jahrestreffen
- AMOK = Antimilitaristisch Onderzoekskollektie
- ANOOC = La Asamblea Nacional de Objetores y Objetoras de Conciencia
- APF = Anglican Pacifist Fellowship
- APRED = l'Association Pour la Réinsertion Sociale des Déshérités
- APRODIM = Asociación para la Promoción y Desarrollo Integral de los Municipios
- Attac = Association pour une taxe sur les transactions pour l’aide aux citoyens
- AVP = Alternatives To Violence Project
- AWBZ = de Algemene Wet Bijzondere Ziektekosten
- AWOL = Absent Without Leave
- BASIC = British American Security Information Council
- BBG = Brandenburgische Boden Gesellschaft für Grundstücksverwaltung und - verwertung mbH
- BC or B.C. = British Columbia
- BCTF = British Columbia Teachers' Federation
- BEF = Belgian Francs
- BFH = Bundesfinanzhof
- BIC = Bank Identification Code
- BICPAJ = Bangladesh Inter-religious Council for Peace and Justice
- BK = Bekennende Kirche
- BMD = Balistic Missile Defense
- BMZ = Das Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung
- BPT = Balkan Peace Team
- BR = Bundesrepublik
- BRD = Bundesrepublik Deutschland
- BRTN = Belgische Radio en Televisie Nederlands
- BRPF = Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation
- BSV = Bund für Soziale Verteidigung
- BWD = Beweging Weigering Defensiebelasting
- BuPo = Internationaal Verdrag voor de Burgerlijke en Politieke Rechten
- BVTN = Burger Vredes Teams Nederland
- CAAT = Campaign Against Arms Trade
- CBC = Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
- CC = Conscience Canada
- CCCO = Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors
- CCEE = Council of European Bishops' Conferences
- CCI = Conscience Canada Incorporated
- CCW = Center on Conscience and War
- CDA = Christen Democratisch Appèl
- CDEAO = Communauté Économique des États de l'Afrique de l'Ouest
- CDO = Congressional Distrcit Organizer
- CDP = Collection Due Process
- CDU = Christlich Demokratische Union
- CEC = Conference of European Churches
- CEDH = Convention européenne des droits de l'homme
- CEOP = Coordinadora Estatal de Organizaciones Pacifistas
- CFK = Christliche Friedenskonferenz
- Ch.J. or CJ or C.J.= Chief Justice
- CHR = Commission on Human Rights
- CHR = Court of Human Rights
- CIA = Central Intelligence Agency
- CIDH = Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos
- CiO = Commissie inzake Overheidsaangelegenheden
- Cipo = le Pacte international relatif aux droits civils et politiques
- CIIPS = Canadian Institute for International Peace and Security
- CIU = Convergència I Unió
- CLIA = Civil Liberties and Internal Affairs Committee
- CM = Council of Ministers
- CMTC = Conscience and Military Tax Campaign
- CND = Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament
- CND = Committee for Nuclear Disarmament
- COAT = Coalition to Oppose the Arms Trade
- CoE = Council of Europe
- COF = Campaña de Objeción Fiscal
- CO = Conscientious Objection
- CO = Conscientious Objector
- CONCODOC = Conscription and Conscientious Objection Documentation
- COMDTM = Conscientious Objections to Military Destination of Tax Money
- COMIT = Conscientious Objector to Military Taxation
- COMS = Conscientious Objection to Military Service
- COMT = Conscientious Objection to Military Taxation
- CONGO = Conference of Non Governmental Organizations
- CORE = Congress on Racial Equality
- CPC = Christian Peace Conference
- CPN (UML) = Communist Party of Nepal (Unified Marxist Leninist)
- CPT = Christian Peacemaker Teams
- C-PTC = Conscience-The Peace Tax Campaign
- CPTI = Conscience and Peace Tax International
- CSCE = Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe
- CSU = Christlich Soziale Union
- CTBT = Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty
- CU = Catholic University
- CUA = Catholic University of America
- CVP = Christelijke volkspartij
- DC = District of Columbia
- DCAF = Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Force
- DDR = Deutsche Demokratische Republik
- DEM or DM = Deutsche Mark
- DESA = Department of Social Affairs
- DESO = Defence Exports Services Organisation
- DISERMOV = Directorate of the Service of Recruitment and Mobilisation
- DMT = Dimethyltryptamine
- DOD = Department of Defense
- DPI = Department of Public Information
- DPN = Difesa Popolare Nonviolenta
- EBCO = European Bureau for Conscientious Objection
- EC = European Community
- ECHR = European Commission on Human Rights
- ECHR = European Convention on Human Rights
- ECJ = European Court of Justice
- ECOLO = Écologistes Confédérés pour l'organisation de luttes originales
- ECOM = European Conscientious Objectors' Meeting
- ECOSOC = Economic and Social Council
- ECU = European Currency Unit
- EEC = European Economic Community
- EEUU = Estados Unidos
- EFSJ = Enlightenment, Freedom and Social-justice
- EKD = Evangelische Kirche Deutschlands
- EP = European Parliament
- EPF = Episcopal Peace Fellowship
- EPLF = Eritrean People's Liberation Front
- ETA = Euskadi Ta Askatasuna
- EU = European Union
- e.V. = Eingetragener Verein
- Ev. or ev.= Evangelische
- ESt = Einkommensteuer
- EVRM = Europees Verdrag van de Rechten van de Mens
- FA = Finanzamt
- FAO = Food and Agriculture Organization
- FCC = Federal Communications Commission
- FDP = Freie Demokratische Partei
- FEST = Forschungsstätte der Evangelischen Studienstiftung
- FHM = Friends House Moscow
- FICA = Federal Insurance Contributions Act
- FIDH = Fédération Internationale des Droits de l'Homme
- FM = Finance Minister
- FOR = Fellowship of Reconciliation
- FOSEED = Forum for Solidarity, Equality, Environment and Development
- FRAP = Frente Revolucionario Antifascista y Patriota
- FRG = Federal Republic of Germany
- FTC = Federal Trade Commission
- FSK = Friedenssteuerkampagne
- FTF = Failure to File
- FTP = Failure to Pay
- FUM = Friends United Meeting
- FUTA = Federal Unemployment Tax Act
- FYR = Former Yugoslav Republic
- FWCC = Friends World Committee for Consultation
- GA = General Assembly
- GAL = Grupos Antiterroristas de Liberación
- GAM = Grupo de Apoyo Mútuo
- GATT = General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
- GAVCI = Gruppo Autonomo di Volontariato Civile in Italia
- GB = Großbritannien
- GB = Great Britain
- GBMBB = gewetensbezwaar tegen de militaire bestemming van belastinggeld
- GDR = German Democratic Republic
- GMBB = Gewetensbezwaren Militaire Bestemming Belastinggelden
- GMC = Ghana Mennonite Church
- GMCYPKO = Ghana Mennonite Church Youth Peace Keeping Organization
- GNP = Gross National Product
- GPS = Global Positioning System
- GPV = Gereformeerd Politiek Verbond
- GST = Goods and Services Tax
- GV = Generalversammlung
- HAP = Hague Appeal for Peace
- HB = Herri Batasuna
- HCHR = Hohen Kommissars für Menschenrechte
- HIV = Human Immunodeficiency Virus
- HM = Her Majesty's
- H.R. = House Resolution
- HRC = Human Rights Committee
- ICCPR = International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
- ICIP = Internacional de Conciencia e Impuestos para la Paz
- ICJ = International Court of Justice
- ICRA = Internet Content Rating Association
- IFOR = International Fellowship of Reconciliation
- IGO = International Government Organization
- IKV = Interkerkelijk Vredesberaad
- IMF = International Monetary Fund
- INF = Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces
- IPMO = International Postal Order
- IPPNW = International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War
- IPRA = International Peace Research Association
- I.R.C. = Internal Revenue Code
- IRPF = Impuesto sobre la Renta de las Personas Físicas
- IRS = Internal Revenue Service
- IRS = Inland Revenue Service
- ISM = International Solidarity Movement
- J. or J = Justice
- JJ. = Justices
- JPF = Jewish Peace Fellowship
- JPIC = Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation
- KAS = Koordinadora Abertzale Sozialista
- KDV = Kriegsdienstverweigerung
- KSCO = Korea Solidarity for Conscientious Objection
- LEYM = Lake Erie Yearly Meeting
- LAC = Legal Affairs Committee
- LAHR = Legal Affairs and Human Rights Committee
- LBVO = Landelijk Beraad Vredesorganisaties
- LDU = Lega Disarmo Unilaterale
- LL.B.= Bachelor of Laws
- LLC = Limited Liability Company
- LLP = Limited Liability Partnership
- LOC = Lega degli Obiettori di Coscienza
- MCC = Mennonite Central Committee
- MCP = Mouvement Chrétien Pour la Paix
- MdB = Mitglied des Bundestages
- MdEP = Mitglied des Europäischen Parlaments
- MEP = Member of European Parliament
- MIR = Movimento Internazionale per la Riconciliazione
- MIR = Mouvement international de réconciliation
- MMDS = Money, Market, Development and material Success
- MN = Movimento Nonviolento
- MNC = Multinational Corporation
- MOC = Movement on Conscientious Objection
- MOC = Movimiento de Objecíon de Conciencia
- MOC = Mouvement d'objection de conscience
- MOD = Minister of Defence
- MP = Member of Parliament
- MP = Madhya Pradesh
- MSV = Militärsteuerverweigerungs
- MSVK = Militärsteuerverweigerungs Kampagne
- NACC = Nonviolent Action Community of Cascadia
- NASA = National Aeronautics and Space Administration
- NATO = North Atlantic Treaty Organization
- NCHR = National Commission for Human Rights
- NCPTF = National Campaign for a Peace Tax Fund
- NDC = National Democratic Congress
- NDP = New Democratic Party
- NDP = Nouveau Parti démocratique
- NIEO = New International Economic Order
- NISBCO = National Interreligious Service Board for Conscientious Objectors
- NIV = New International Version
- NLRB = National Labor Relations Board
- NMD = National Missile Defense
- NMS = Nicht-Militärische Sicherheit
- NOK = Norwegian Krone
- NPC = National Peace Council
- NRO = Nichtregierungsorganisationen
- NGO = Non Governmental Organization
- NMS = Non-Military Security
- NV-A = Nieuw-Vlaamse Alliantie
- NWFS = Netzwerk Friedenssteuer
- NWTRCC = National War Tax Resistance Coordinating Committee
- NYC = New York City
- NYYM = New York Yearly Meeting
- NE = North East
- NVA = Nationale Volksarmee
- NW = North West
- NIPP = Nos Impôts pour la Paix
- OAS = Organization of American States
- OCAMI = les objections de conscience à l'égard de l'affectation militaire de l'impôt
- OCV = Overlegcentrum voor de Vrede
- OHCHR = Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
- ONU = Organisation des Nations Unies
- ORG = Oxford Research Group
- ÖRK = Ökumenischen Rat der Kirchen
- OSM = Obiezione alle Spese Militari
- OSM-DPN = Obiezione alle Spese Militari per la Difesa Popolare Nonviolenta
- OSCE = Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe
- OSZE = Organisation für Sicherheit und Zusammenarbeit in Europa
- OUP = Oxford University Press
- PA = Parliamentary Assembly
- PAYE = Pay As You Earn
- P&HRC = Peace and Human Rights Committee
- PBI = Peace Brigades International
- PBS = Public Broadcasting System
- PCI = Pax Christi International
- pdf = portable document format
- PDS = Partei Deutscher Sozialisten
- PM = Prime Minister
- PNUD = Programme des Nations Unies pour le développement
- PNV = Partido Nacionalista Vasco
- PO or P.O. = Post Office
- POB = Post Office Box
- POTA = Prevention of Terrorism Act
- PP = Popular Party
- PPU = Peace Pledge Union
- PR = Public Relations
- PREPCOM = Preparatory Committee
- PS = Parti Socialiste
- PS = Post Script
- PSC = Parti Socio-chrétien
- PSDT = Peace, Security and Development Tax
- PSOE = Partido Socialista Obrero Español
- PTC = Peace Tax Campaign
- PTF = Peace Tax Foundation
- PTF = Peace Tax Fund
- PTR = Peace Tax Return
- PvdA = Partij van de Arbeid
- PYM = Philadelphia Yearly Meeting
- QCEA = Quaker Council for European Affairs
- QUNO = Quaker United Nations Office
- QUNOG = Quaker United Nations Office in Geneva
- QUNONY = Quaker United Nations Office in New York
- REDES = Research and Education in Defense and Security Studies
- RFRA = Religious Freedom Restoration Act
- RFPTF = Religious Freedom Peace Tax Fund
- RFPTFB = Religious Freedom Peace Tax Fund Bill
- RICC = Rhode Island Campaign for Conscience
- RLUIPA = Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act of 2000
- ROSSEM = Radicale Omvormers and Sociale Strijders voor een Eerlijker Maatschappij
- RS = Revenue Service
- SDF = Self Defense Force
- SERPAJ = Servicio Paz y Justicia
- SF = Social Forum
- SFR = Slovak Federal Republic
- SGP = Staatkundig Gereformeerde Partij
- SIOF = Servei d'Informació d'Objecciò
- SIPRI = Stockholm International Peace Research Institute
- SMO = Servicio Militar Obligatorio
- SNCC = Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee
- SOA = School of the Americas
- SP = Socialistische Partij
- SPA = Seven Parties Alliance
- SPD = Sozial-demokratische Partei Deutschlands
- SPIRIT = Sociaal Progressief Internationaal Regionalistisch Integraal-democratisch Toekomstgericht
- S. = Senate
- S.S. = Steamship
- SWIFT = Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication
- TAMRA = Technical Amendments and Miscellaneous Revenues Act
- T.C. = Tax Court
- TEARC = Tribunal Económico Administrativo Regional de Cataluña
- TEFRA = Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act
- TMD = Theater Missile Defense
- TN = TeilnehmerInnen
- UNSC = Ufficio Nazionale per il Servizio Civile
- UCD = Unión de Centro Democrático
- UDHR = Universal Declaration on Human Rights
- UDV = Uniao do Vegetal
- UK = United Kingdom
- UN or U.N. = United Nations
- UNCHR = United Nations Commission on Human Rights
- UNDP = United Nations Development Program
- UNESCO = United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
- UNGA = United Nations General Assembly
- UNHCR = United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
- UNHCHR = United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
- UNICEF = United Nations Children's Fund
- UNIFIL = United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon
- UNO = United Nations Organization
- UNOG = United Nations Organization in Geneva
- UNONY = United Nations Organization in New York
- UNTAC = United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia
- UNWGCO = United Nations Working Group on Conscientious Objection
- U. of T. = University of Toronto
- US or U.S. = United States
- USA = United States of America
- USAF = United States Air Force
- U.S.C. or USC = United States Code
- USD = United States Dollars
- USSR = Union of Soviet Socalist Republics
- USTC = United States Trade Commission
- VAKA = Vlaams Aktiekomitee tegen Atoomwapens
- VAT = Value Added Tax
- VN = Verenigde Naties
- VN = Vereinten Nationen
- VRAK = AKtie VRedesbelasting
- VU = Volksunie
- VVD = Volkspartij voor Vrijheid en Democratie
- WCC = World Council of Churches
- WFR = Weekblad Fiscaal Recht
- WGT = Westgruppe der Truppen
- WIC = Women and Infants Care
- WILPF = The Women's International League for Peace and Freedom
- WRI = War Resisters International
- WRL = War Resisters League
- WTR = War Tax Resistance
- WTR = War Tax Resister
- WTR-PTC = War Tax Resistance and Peace Tax Campaign
- WSF = World Social Forum
- WTO = World Trade Organization
- WWI = World War One
- WWII = World War Two
- WWIII = World War Three
- YMCA = Young Men's Christian Association
- ZFD = Der Zivile Friedensdienst
- ZIF = Zentrum für Internationale Friedenseinsätze
- A. or Appx. = Appendix
- Arb. = Arbeit
- Bd. = Board
- Br. = Brief
- bzw. = beziehungsweise
- ca. = circa
- cert. = certiorari
- Cf. or cf. = Confer or confer
- Chap. = Chapter
- c/o = in care of
- Comm'n = Commissioner
- Cong. = Congress
- d. = died
- d.h. = das heißt
- D. D.C. = District of the District of Columbia
- D. Conn. = District of Connecticut
- D. Md. = District of Maryland
- Div. = Division
- Doc. = Document
- ed. = editor
- eds. = editors
- E.D. Pa. = Eastern District of Pennsylvania
- E.D. Va. = Eastern District of Virginia
- E.D. Wis. = Eastern District of Wisconsin
- et al. = et alia
- et al. = et alii
- etc. = et cetera
- E.g. or e.g. = Exempli gratia or exempli gratia
- ESt = Einkommensteuer
- et seq. = et sequentia
- ff. = and the following
- F.Supp. = Federal Supplement
- F.Supp.2d = Federal Supplement Second Edition
- H. Rep. = House of Representatives Report
- Hon'ble = Honourable
- Ibid. = Ibidem
- id. = idem
- i.e. = id est
- Ill. = Illinois
- Inc. = Incorporated
- Kath. = Katholisch
- Kl. = Kläger
- Klin. = Klägerin
- L.Ed.2d = Lawyers Edition Second
- Ltd. = Limited
- luth. = luthern
- M.D. Tenn. = Middle District of Tennessee
- N.B. or NB = Nota Bene
- N.D. Cal. = Northern District of California
- Nº or No. or Nr. = Number
- op. cit. = opus citatum
- p. = page
- PL = Place
- para. or par. = paragraph
- Para. = Paragraph
- pp. = pages
- P.S. = Post Script
- Pub.L. = Public Law
- R. = Regina
- Revd. = Reverend
- Stat. = Statute
- S.Ct. = Supreme Court
- SEC. or Sec.= Section
- Sess. = Session
- S. Rep. = Senate Report
- tr. = translator
- u.a. = und andere
- u. a. = unter anderem
- usw. = und so weiter
- v. or v or vs. = versus
- viz. = videlicet
- W. = West
- W.D. La. = Western District of Louisiana
- z.B. = zum Beispiel