11 February 1958–8 January 2012

Pedro Otaduy Ibañez, Chairperson of CPTI, passed away at the age of 53 on 8 January 2012, after a struggle with a serious illness. He is survived by his wife Marisol and their two children.
Pedro organised the Fifth International Conference on War Tax Resistance and Peace Tax Campaigns in Hondarribia, Spain, in September 1994, with his friends of the Spanish movement against military taxation. At that time he became a founding member of CPTI and has served on the CPTI Board from its inception until his death. We continue to appreciate Pedro's commitment to the cause of conscientious objection to military service and taxation in Spain and the years of service that he has given to CPTI. He was a gentle and wise friend and colleague.
Pedro was a pacifist and antimilitarist in Navarra, and the driving force of the Campaña de Objeción Fiscal al Gasto Militar. He devoted his life to learning and teaching nonviolent methods for solving problems and lived these lessons as he faced challenges in his daily life and career. As a mathematics teacher, and later as the director of a high school in Pamplona-Iruñea, Spain, he dealt with problems in a peaceful spirit, even in very difficult political circumstances.
Pedro made this a better world by living in it. We will remember him.