Conscientious Objection to Military Service: Recent Developments

- Side event to the 4th gathering of the United Nations Human Rights Council
- Palais des Nations, Geneva 27 March 2007
- Moderator: Derek Brett (Representative of CPTI at the UN) (Second from Right)
- Speakers (Left to Right):
- Alan Gamble (CPTI / Peace Tax Foundation) on conscientious objection to military taxation
- Rachel Brett (Representative for Human Rights and Refugees, the Quaker United Nations Office in Geneva) on South Korea and Colombia
- Andrey Kuvshinov on Russia
- A panel discussion sponsored by Conscience and Peace Tax International (CPTI) and the Quaker United Nations Office in Geneva
- Transcript of Alan Gamble's remarks [pdf version]
Side Event on Conscientious Objection

- Palais des Nations, Geneva 1 April 2005
- Moderator: Rachel Brett (Quaker United Nations Office) (Center)
- Speakers: (Left to Right)
- Marian Franz (CPTI) on conscientious objection to military taxation
- Adam Maor on Israel
- Abraham Gebreyesus Mehreteab on Eritrea
- Christoph Bierwirth (UNHCR) on conscientious objection and asylum
- Sponsored by Conscience and Peace Tax International and Friends World Committee for Consultation (Quakers)
The Human Right Not to Pay for War
- UN Church Center, New York 25 March 2004
- Moderator: Rosa Packard
- Presenters:
- Marian Franz, Vice Chair, Conscience and Peace Tax International introduces the video Committed to Conscience explaining the Religious Freedom Peace Tax Fund Bill and comments on international campaigns for similar human rights legislation.
- Bill Perkins, Deputy Majority Leader of the New York City Council discusses support for this human rights issue through a local city council resolution.
- Shulamith Koenig, Founder, Peoples Movement for Human Rights Education International
Winner of the UN Human Rights Prize-2003-
discusses relevant individual and collective efforts to protect human rights. - Sponsored by The International NGO Committee on Human Rights and The NGO Working Group on Conscientious Objection
- View the Transcript | pdf in US Letter format | pdf in A4 format
Alternatives to War: Increasing Our Peacemaking Abilities
- A presentation by Michael True and respondent panelists
- presented May 31, 2003 in Greenwich, Connecticut.
- Sponsored by CPTI, Peace Action of Connecticut, Promoting Enduring Peace, and the Greenwich Forum
- View the transcript | pdf in US Letter format | pdf in A4 format
The Human Right of Conscientious Objection
- A panel discussion presented by the NGO Working Group on Conscientious Objection at The United Nations, New York on 20 February, 2003
- View the transcript | pdf
Educating Youth About Their Human Right of Conscientious Objection
- Panel Discussion at the Third Preparatory Committee for the Special Session on Children
- United Nations, New York, June 12, 2001
- View Transcript | pdf