
During an evaluation session in the final plenary some comments were made. In general everyone agreed that this tenth conference had been excellent, both for its organization and for the high level of the speakers, the preparation of the workshops, and the discussions. Although not all discussions have led to concrete results, this conference probably had the highest standard of all ten conferences and perhaps we cannot expect the following conferences to reach the same level!

More specifically:

The conference center itself and its park are also very nice.

Participants also appreciated the attention for minorities from the South: they could speak about their situation and speak in their own language. This contributed to the fraternal feelings during the conference. Next time we should try to have attention also for indigenous people.

A frequent issue in conferences is the lack of time to know each other better. The short biographical notes given before the two previous conferences were very useful in this respect.

Translators would appreciate receiving some text about our issues before the conference so that they can familiarize themselves with the topic, the vocabulary and frequently used acronyms.

Although the food was very good, the question was raised whether we could expect fair traded food at conferences.