CDA Christen Democratisch Appèl (Dutch Christian Democrat Party)
CDU/CSU Christlich Demokratische Union / Christlich Soziale Union (The German resp. the Bavarian Christian Democrats)
CiO Commissie inzake Overheidsaangelegenheden (In the Netherlands a committee consisting of representatives of churches with regard to government affairs, such as the relation between state and church)
FDP Freie Demokratische Partei
GPV Gereformeerd Politiek Verbond (Reformed Political Alliance, a small orthodox calvinist party)
IKV Inter-kerkelijk Vredesberaad (the Interchurch Peace Consultation, the moderate religious peace movement in the Netherlands)
MOD Minister of Defence
MP Member of Parliament
NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organisation
PvdA Partij van de Arbeid (Dutch Labour Party, Social Democrat Party)
PDS Partei Deutscher Sozialisten (German social democrat party, most supporters in the eastern part of Germany)