17th International Conference
(with links) will take place near Lübeck, Germany, from 2nd to 4th October, 2024. Dowmload here the Invitation, Draft Program and Registration Form
(with links) will take place near Lübeck, Germany, from 2nd to 4th October, 2024. Dowmload here the Invitation, Draft Program and Registration Form
will take place near Lübeck, Germany, from 2nd to 4th October, 2024. Download here the Invitation, Draft Program, and Registration Form.
At the Board meeting in August, we were joined by Emilio Arranz Bertran, who has drafted a proposed Spanish law for peace tax law, and is working on raising support and finding a member of the incoming parliament to propose it. More details here
The Seventeenth International Conference of War Tax Resisters and Peace Tax Campaigns will be hosted by Netzwerk Friedenssteuer at the Naturfreundehaus Priwall near Lubeck, Germany, FROM 4TH TO 6TH OCTOBER 2024. More details to follow.
At the Conference, CPTI agreed to join the Object War Campaign to be launched on 21st September by WRI, EBCO, IFOR and Connection eV, which calls on European States to grant asylum to all avoiding conscription into the Ukraine war, on either side.
The conference successfully took place in Geneva from 16th to 18th September 2022, with a dozen participants from five countries attending in person and a further half dozen participating on-line. Look out for the full conference report which will soon be appearing on the Conferences page of this website.
To register for online participation, please email Robin and Derek (chair@peacetaxinternational.org; news@peacetaxinternational.org)
To meet the demand for on-line access, we are arranging to bring in the expertise to set this up – without interpretation. To cover the cost and so as not to discourage in person attendance there will be a fee of £40/€50 for attendance in this fashion.
The additional accommodation cost for those staying beyond the basis three nights will be €45/£40 per night, without meals.