Tenth International Conference on War Tax Resistance and Peace Tax Campaigns - Brussels, Belgium 2004

organized by

VRAK (Aktie Vredesbelasting) + Contribuables pour la paix

www.vrak.be {2007 -webweaver}

The Tenth International Conference on War Tax Resistance and Peace Tax Campaigns ( WTR-PTCs) was held in Brussels, Belgium, from Thursday evening July 8 till Sunday July 11, 2004. The general theme was our human right to conscientious objection to paying taxes for the military and our human duty to pay taxes for peace and civil conflict resolution.

Information may be found at:

Report of the Conference

press materials


thumbnail with link to photos

or from the conference Coordinator:

Dirk Panhuis, Bruineveld 11, 3010 Leuven, Belgium

Phone: +32-16-25.40.11 E-mail: email: cpti@cpti.ws